It is estimated that of the thousands
It is estimated that of the thousands of people who start a thru hike each year, only a few hundred will complete the trek. Most begin their attempt during the first months of spring from Springer Mountain Georgia. However, about one in six begin during the months of high summer on Mount Katahdin in Maine.The reasons for leaving the trail are as varied as those that draw people to attempt it in the first place. (Ajuga reptans), also called carpet bugle, often grows to a height of 6 inches tall. This rapidly growing perennial is one of the groundcovers deer won eat. This aggressive plant spreads by runners that root as they grow. It's nice to see that there are people that support us that strongly that they'll come on a Monday night to kind of an off site location. I'm sure, just like our guys, they probably made the best of it. And it was a real good night all around.". We were going down a very steep hill on the famous Rt. 1, which hugs the coastline for portions of t...